Secondary latch system, Д caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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(hese Irislruclions to lower the spisre lire:

1. If the íg-eíiicle is equipped wilh a hûisi lock, open The

spare tire took cover on the bumper and use the
ignition key to remove the lock.

2. Assemble the wheel wrench and the hvo jack

handle extensions as shown. Inserì the hoisi
end {open end) oí Ihe extension Ihrough tha hale in

the raar bumper. Be sure the haisl end оГ the

extension connects jnio (he hoist shaft.

3. Turn the wheel wrench cauntercloekwise to lower Ihe

spare tire to the ground. Continue to turn the wheel
wrench unit! the spare line can be pulled out from
under Ihfl vehicle. The wheel wrench has a hook that

allows you Id puH the hoisi cable towards you, to
assist in reaching Iha spare tire, fflhe spare lire does
riot lower to the ground, the secondary latch is
engaged, causing the Ere not to lower. See

"Secondary Latch System" next.

4. When the tire has been lowered, tilt the retainer at

the end ei the cable so it can be pulled up Ihrough
the wheel opening,

5. Pul the spare tire near Ihe flat tire.

Secondary Latch System

Your vehicle has an underbody mounted lire hoisi
assembly equipped with a sscondary lalch system. It's
designed to stop the spare lire from falling off your

vehicle. For the secondary lalch to work, thn spare must
be installed with the valve stem pointing down. See
“Storing a Flat or Spare Tire and Tools" for instruclions

on storing the spare or fJat lire correcUy,


Before beginning this procedure read all the
instructions. Failure to read and follow the
instructions could damage the hoist assembly

and you and others could get hurt. Read and
follow the instructions listed below.
