Trailer wiring harness package – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 370

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The £ij(-wl№ harness contains the following irailer

* yelJoirti: Lefi Slop/Torn Signal

• Dark Green’ RighI Slop/Tum Signal

* Bfovvn Taillamjps

• Whits: Ground

♦ Light Green: Back-up Lamps

• Light Blue: Center High-Mounted Sloplamp


If you need to upgrade your traslor wiring harness, an
additional 2-wire harness and 7 pin universal trailer
connector are availa'b'lg from your dsatgr.

Trailer Wiring Harness Package

Your pickup may be equipped with the eight-wire frailer

towing harness. This harness with a seven-pin
universal Irailer connector Is attached to a bracket on
the hitch plalfotm.*

* The Center High-Mounied Stoplamp [CHMSLJ wire is
tisd next to the tmller wiring harness lor use with a
trailer, slide-in camper or cap.
