Adjusting the speakers (balance/fade), Finding a pty station (rds, xm™ and dab) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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AUTO EQ ¿Automïttic Equalization); Pr&ss thiç buttan

tn choose bass and liable equalization settings
designed for counifv/westem, jazz, talk, pop, rock and
classical siaiions-

To return the bass and treble to the custoir. rnode, press

and release the AUDIO knob^ until CUSTOM appears.

If you radio ia equipped with the Bose audjo aysiem, your
equaJrzation settings are either CUSTOM or TALK.

Adjusting the Speakers (Balance/Fade)

AUDIO: To ad;usl the balance to the ri^ht and The

left spaakers, push and release the AUDIO knob until
BAL appears on ihe display, Turn the knob to move the
sound loward the right or the loft speakers.

To adjust the fade to the iront and the rear speakers,

push and release the AUDIO knob unSi FADE appears
on the display. Turn ibe knob to move ihe sourid
toward the front or the near speakers

To adjust the balance and fade to the middle p&sihon,
push the AUDIO knob then push It again and hold it until

the radio produces one beep. The balança and fade

will be adjusted to the middle posltlor^ and the display
will show the speaker balance.

To adjust all tone and speaker controls to the middle

position^ push and hold the AUDIO knob when no tone or
speaker control is displayed. The radio will produce one
beep and display ALL wifli the level display in the middle


Finding a PTY Station (RDS, XM™

and DAB)

To select and find a desired PTV perform the lollowing:

1: Turn the P-TVPE LIST knob. TV PE and a PTY

will appear on tha display.

2. Select a category by tuming the P-TYPE LIST knob,

3. Once the desired category is displayed, press The

SEEK TYPE button or one of tha SEEK arrows to
take you to the category’s first station.

4. If you want to go to another slalion within that

category and the category is displayed, press
the SEEK TYPE button orice. If the category



displayed, press tha SEEK TYPE button twice


display the category and then to go to another


It the radio cannot find the desired program type, NONE
will appear on the display and Ihe radio will return to
Ihe last station you were listening to.
