A caution, Battery warning light – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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after s&vpral seconds, all slafus indtcatar lights

raimain oa or if (here are no lighu


all, there may be a

problem with the lighls oi the passenger sensing
system See your dsalar for service


ir Ihe air bag oft indicator and the



readiness light ever come on together. It
means that somethrng may be wrong with the

air tiag ayslem. If this ever happens, have the
vehicle serviced prompIFy. because an
adult-stze person sitting In the right front
passenger seat may not have the protection of

the air bag. See '^Air Bag Readiness Light" in
the Index.

Battery Warning Light

II this light is displayed
when the en gine i s nunnl ng,
yoj rrtay have □ problem
wilh your charging system.

The battery display wHI also stay on while the key is in
RUM until Ihe engine is startad.

It the light stays on after starting (he engme it could
Indicate a pTOblem with the generator drive beltn or some
other charging system problem. Have it checlted right
away Driving wilh Ihls light displayed could drain
your batfery.

It you must drive a short distance with th^s light
displayed, it hetps to lum oH all your accessories^ such
as the radio and the air conditioner.
