GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 342

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In order to Mfculate (he amounl of woighi any from
accessory, such as a snow plow, is adding to the tnont
axle, use the lollowing formula;

(W X (A t W.B.)) /W.B.= Weight the accessory is acWing


the Iront axle.


W - Weight ol added accessory

A - Distance that the ar^c&ssoty is in front of the

front axle

W.B. = Vehicle Wheelbase

For exaiTipie, adding a 700 It). ^316 Kg) snow plow
actually adds more lhan 700 lb. (319 Kg) to the front
axle. Using thg (ormula^ If the snow plow Is 4 fl.



in front of the from axle and the wheel base is

10 Ft. (305 crif}), Ihen:

W = 7ÛÛ lb. (318 Kg)

A = 4fl, (122 cm)

W.B, = 10 ft. (305 cm)


X (A +


= (700 X [4 + 10)}/1(] =

9ÊÛ lb. (445 kg)

So. if your track's front axle resenre capacity Is more


9B0 lb. (445 Kg), you could add the srtow plow

without exceeding the Iront GAWR,
