Hitches, Safety chains, Trailer brakes – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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H's im[xirtani to have the correci hlich equiipment.

Crosswinds, Jarge trucks going hy and rough roads are
a few reasons why you'll need the hght hilth. Here
are some rules to foUow'

* If you UE


a sfep'bumper hiich, your hurnper could

be damaged fn sharp turns. Make sure you have
ample room when turning to pvoid oonlact between

the trailer and the bumper.

• If youH be pulling a traNer that, when Iciaded, will

weigh ггоге than 5.0СЮ lbs. 270 kg) be sure to
use a properly nriourtted, weighl-dislributing
hitch and sway control of the proper size. This
equipment is very important lor props г vehide
loading and good handling when you'rie driving.

Safety Chains

You should always attach chains between your vehicia
and your trailer Cross the safety chains under the
lorigue of the trailer to help prevent the tongue Irom
conEaefing tho noad if И becomes separated from
the hitch. Instructions about safely chains may be
provided by the hitch manufacturer or by the trailer
marrufaclurer^ К you are towing a tralJer up to 5,000 lbs*

271 kg} with a tgcEory-installad step bumper, you

may attach the safety chains to the attaching points on
the bumper, if you are towing a Irailer up to your
vehicle's trailer rating limit you may attach the safety

chains to the attaching point on the hitch platform. If you
are towing with an aftermarket hitch follow the trailer
or hitch tTianufaclurer'a ietommendation ior attaching
safety chains. Always leave just enough slack sc
you can turn wrth your rig, Waver aJlgw safely chains to
drag on the ground

Trailer Brakes

If your halier weighs more lhan 2,Û0€ lbs. [900 kg}
leaded, then It needs Ils own brakes - and they musí be
adequate.. Be sure to read and follow ihq instructians
for Ihe trailer brakes so you'll bs able to install,
adjust and rnaintam them properfy.

Youf trailer brake system can lap into the vehlde's
hydraulic brake system only ifi

• The trailer parts can withstand




Û pgi

{20 650 к Pa) ol pressure.

• The irarler's brake system will use less lhan




cubic Inch [Û


cc} of fluid from учзиг vehicle's

master cylinder. Otherwise, both braking systems
won'l work well. You could even lose ypur brakes-

If everyEhing checks out Ibis far, make ihe brake tap at
the port on the master cylinder that sends the liuld

to the rear brakes. But don't use copper tubang lor this.

If you do, it will bend and finally break olt, Use steel
brake tubing.

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