Tailgate removal – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Tailgate Removal

ThB tglIgBtB on your v^tiicte can be removad io aNow for
differeni loading situalionfi. Although the 1 ail gale can

be nemoved wilhout assistance, you may want someone
to assist you wilh the removal to avoid possible

damage to the vehicte.

To remove fhe tgilgqte, dg Ihe lollgwjng:

1. Raise Ihe tailgate

stighlly and release
both retaining cable
clips. To roleasB the
retaining cable clips,
Sift the cable sg it points

straight oul and push
the cable clip lorv/ard.


With the lailgate at a
slight upiArard angle,
pull baci! on the tailgate
at Ihe righi edge and
then move the
lallgate tc ihe righi to
release Ihe left edge.

Reverse the above procedure to nainsta'IlL Matte sure the

tailgate is secure.
