GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 163

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Turn and Lane Change Signals

The lum signal has (wo upwaft] right) ana two
downward (for left) positions. Thesa positions allow you

to signal a lum or a tana change.

To signal a lum, move the lever all the way up or down.
When the turn la finished, Ihe lever will return

An arrow on the instrument

panel duster will flash In

Ihe direction of ihe

turn or lane change.

To signal e lane change, Jusl raise or lower the fever

until the arrow starts to flesh. Hold II lhor& until you

compJele your fane change. The lever will return by llsefr

when you release it.

[f you move the iever afl the way up or down, and Ihe
arrow Mashas at twice the normal rate, a signal bulb may
be burned out and olher drivers may not see your

turn signal,

If a bulb is burned out, replace It to help avoid an
accident. If the arrows don't go on at all when you signât
a turn, check tor bumed-out bulbs or a blown fuse
See Rises and Circuit Braakars on page 5’ T T T,

Turn Signal On Chime

If your turn signal is left on lor mure than 3/4 ol a mile



.2 km), a chime will sound al each flash ol the

turn signal. To turn otf the chime, move the turn signal
lever to the off position.

Headlamp High/Low Beam Changer

To change the headlamps [nom low to high beam, push
the Fever loward the insirumenr panel. To fetum iha

low-beam headlamps^ pull Ihe multifunction lever toward

you. Then release it.

When the high beams are

on, Ihfs light on the
Instrument panel duster

also will be on.
