Trip fnformation button, Personai trip, Business trip – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Use the [rip information button to scroll throirgh the




and TIMER. If the personal trip and/or the busir^ess

tnp fire set to you will also be able to scroll
through more messages. See


Trip and

Busfoess 7iijp next for more informatron.

if your vehicle is nol equipped wilh ihe DiC sieering
wheel buttons you can select the trip ¡riforrT>ation
by pressing the trip odometer reset stenn on the
rnsltimnent pang I cluster^

Personai Trip

If the PERSONAL TRIP is on [turn ft on


off by

pressing the select button) you will also be able to scroll
thri3ugh ihe following:

■ PERSONAL: XX Ml — This shows the currertl

distance (raveled since the Iasi reset forthg
personal trip rjdomeler in aithar miles Or kiloiTieters.

• PERSONAL: XX.X MPG — This shows tha amount

of fuel used for the personal trip.

• PERSONAL: AVG ECONOMV — This shows how

many miles per gallon ül fuel your vehiefe is
getting, loi 1he personal trip based on сиггвщ anri
past driving conditierts.

Trip fnformation Button

• PERSONAL: AVG MPH — This shews the vehicle's

average speed for the personal trip,

• PERSONAL: % ANNUAL — This shows the ratio of

perscnal trip miles to annual mifas as a porcanL

Vou can reset the personal trip ocfomeler by pressing

and holding the trip edometer reset stem.

Business Trip

If the BUSINESS TRIP is on {turn it on or olf by
pressing the select button) yoi/ '^IH also be able to scroll

through the ibllowing;

• BUSINESS: XX Mt — This shows the cument

distance traveled since the last raset (or the
business trip odometer In either miles or hilometens^

• BUSINESS, XX.X MPG ■— This shows the annourtt

of fuel used ior the business trip.

- BUSINESS: AVG ECONOMV — This shows how

ffiany miles per gallon of luel your vehicle is
getting lor Ihe business trip based on current and
past driving conditions.

• BUSINESS: AVG MPH — This shows the vehicle's

average speed for the busine&s trip.

■ BUSINESS: % ANNUAL — This shows Ihe ratio of

business trip miles to annual mifes as a percant.
