Dual automatic climate control system – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 179

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Operation Tips

• Keflp !iie hood arwJ front air iniets free of ice, snow,

or any other obstruction (skKJh as leaves), The
heater and defroster will work far bettor, reducing

the chance of togging the inside of your windows.

■ Keep the air path under the front ssats clear of

objects. This helps air to circulate throughout your

+ Adding outside equipmenl to the front


your vehicle,

such as hcod-air deflectorSn elo.^ may alfect The
performance of the heating and air conditionit>g

systenrr. Check with your dealer before adding
equipment to the outside of your vehicle.

Dual Automatic Climate Control


Your vehicle may hava tha optionall dual automatic
climate control system Wilh this syslonn you can control

the heating^ coolmg and vontifation for your vehicle.

If your vehide is equipped with the dual aulomatic

climate conlrol system, memory seals, ar>d meimory
mirrors, you can store and recall the climate control

settings for lemperatuna, air delivery mode* and
fan speed for two different ditvers. The person-al choice

settings recalled are determined by the transmitter
used to enter the vehicle. After Ihe buHon with
the unlock symbol on a remote keyless aniry (ransmitter

is pressed* the climate control will adjust to the last
settings of the identified driver. The settings can also be
