GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 434

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Front Axle

When to Check Lubricant

to iha Mamtenanca Schectuie to delariiiiine how

often to checli the lubricantr See

Fsft Ar Scheduled

Maintenance Semcee on p^ge

How to Check Lubricant

tl the level Is below !he bolton of Ihe hller plug holen
you may need to add some lubricanh

When the ditfeTientia! is ocici, add enough lubricant to

raise Ihe level lo 0 lo inch ^9-5 mm) below Ihe lillei
plug hole.

When the diffaronltal is at operating temperature
(warm), add enough lubricant lo raise ihe level lo the
bottom of the fills r plug hole.

What to Use

Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to detenmine wha1
kind of lubncant to use. See

Pad D: Recommended

Fluids and Lubricants on pegs G-is.

To gel an accurele reading, fhe vehicle should be on a

level surface.
