A caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 315

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Getting out on the downhill (low) side of a
vehicle slopped across an incllrio Is


ihe vehicle rolls over, you could

be crushed or killed. Always get out on the
Liphill (high) side of the vehlcie and stay well

clear of the rollover path.

Driving in Mud, Sand, Snow or ice

When you drive in mud, snow or sand, your wheels
won't get goMl traction, You can't accelerate as quickly,
luming is more difficult, and you'll need longer braking

It’s best to use a low gear when you're In mud — the

deeper the mud, the lower the gear. In reaJly deep mud,
tha idea Is to keep your vehicle moving so you don't
gel stuck.

When you drive on sand, you'll sense a change in
wheel traction. But it will depend upon how loosely
packed the sand is, On iloosely packed sand (as
on beaches or sand dunes) your tires will tend to sink
into the sand. This has an eiieci on sleering,
3ccelerattng and braking. You may want to reduce the
air pressure in your hrgs slightly when driving on
sand. This will improve traction Drive at a reduced
speed and avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers.

Hard packed snow and ica otter the worst tire traction.
On these surfaces, it’s very easy to iose coninoL On
wet ice. for example, the tracMon is so poor that you will
have difficulty accelerating And if you do gat moving,
poor steering and dfflicuK braking can cause you lo stide

cut of conirol.