Radio messages – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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When a Traffic announcement cemes on the current
sfatiori ai on a reJated network elation,, you will hear it,
ever if the vaiume is mutecP or a compaci disc is
playing, The (caffic S¥mtюJ and TRAF will appear on the
display while the announcement plays. If the compact
disc player was being used, play wrN slop dunng
Ihe announcernent.

For DAB (Canacla only, if your radio is equipped with
DAß), when the TRAF button is pressed, DAB does not
seek to a station that dnoadcasts traffic. DAB only
checks the current frequency for traffic support.

This iunctitm does not apply lo Satellile Radln

Traffic Interrupt Feature; Your radio can interrupt the
play of a cassette, CD, or XM™, or DAB station,
Press Ihe TRAF button. The radio will seek to a station

that broadcasts traffic annourKamenls. When the

radio finds a station lhat broadcasts traffic

announcements, it will stop. TRAF wUf appear on the

display. When a irafTrt announcemenl comes on

the station that wa^ found, you will hear it. When the
traffic gnnouncemeni fs over, the radio wlJl resume play
of the cassette, CD, or or DAB slaHon, И rio
station is found, NO TRAF wifi appear on the display.

CAL BRR (Calibration Error); This message is
displayed when the radio has not been calibrated
properly for Ihe vehicle. You must nelum to Ihe
dealership lor service,

LOCKED; This messaga is displayed when the
THEFTLOCK^ sysiem has locked up. You must return
to the dealership for service.

Radio Messages
