GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 24

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mane tfitì Fap ptìrt tighL, puN down on thè buckle

end Qf thè bell as you pud up on thè shoulder beli.

TTie lap part ot tha belt should be v^orn Iqw and snug on

ihe hips, just louching the thighs* In a crash, this
applies foree le the slnong peMc t>ones, And you'd be
less likely to slide under the lap belt, tf you slid under itr
ihe bell would apply (orca at your abdomen. This

could causa serious or even ialal injuries. The shoulder
belt should go over the shoulder and across the
chesl. The SB parts of ihe body are best able to take bell

restraining forces.

The safely belt tcx:ks if there's a sudder^ slop or crash,

or if you pull tha belt very quickly oul of (he retractor.
