GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 66

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6- Tg bghten the bell feed the shoulder belt bflck


the retractor while you push down


The child

reslfainl. If you’re using a forward-facing child
restralfil you may find it helplul to use your hnee to
push down on the child rgstrgirit as you hghlen the
belt. You should nol be able to pull mora of the belt
oul of (he neiiactor once the lock has been set.

7. Push and pull the child restrain! in differani

directions to be sure it Is secure.


If your vehicle has the passenger sensing system

and you are using a rear-facing child restrairiit


this seat, check tû be sure thg right ironl
passenger's frontal air bag Is ofl before you begin

to drive.. If the air bag is off. the off indicator
will be III and stay lit in the inside reatview mirror
when the key is turned to FUM or START.

If Ihe on indicator Is lit, the passenger's frontal air bag

has not been turned off by the passenger sensing
systefïï, II this ever happens, turn the vehicle oH,

unbuckle the safety bett and perform the steps to install

the reardacing leslralnt again, it the air bag still
doesn't turn oil, for regular cab models and exiended
cab models, check lo make sure Ihe AIR 0AG OFF

switch has been turned to tha off position or install the
intanl restraint in a rear seat position if one is
available. See

Air Bag Off Swilch on page 1-63

lor more

on 1his, Including impcrtani safely information.

For Crew Cab rrodels and heavy duly pickups wilhout
Ihe passenger sensing system, use the AIR BAG
OFF swilch


Hum the air bag off or Install Ihe infani

reaiTaint in a rear seat position.
