A caution, Brake system warning light – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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With the ignittdhn on, ibe brake syslem warning light will
(lash when you set the parking brake. The light will
Hash it the parking brake doesn't relsasa fully. If you try

10 drive with the parking brake engagedn a chime will
sound when the vehida speed is greater than
3 mph (5 ktr/h) ,

Vgur vehicSe's hydraulic brake system is divided into iwo

parts. It one part isn't working^ the other pah can slill
work and slop you. For good braking^ though, you need
both parts working well

If the warning light comes on and a chime sounds there
could be a brake pnpblem. Have your brake system
Inspected right away.

Brake System Warning Light

This light should corrre on brieity when you turn the

ignition key to RUM, If it doesn’t come on then, have II
fiked so It will he ready to v^am you H there's a problem.

ff the light comes on while you are driving, pull off the
road and stop carefully, 'V'oL may nolice that the pedat is

harder to push* Or, the pedaf may go closer to the
floor. It may take longer to slop. II the Isghi is still on,

have the vehicle towed for service. See Tow/ng

Your Vehfcie on page 4-53.


Your brake system may not be working
properly if the brake ay stem warning light is
on. Driving with the brake system warning light

on can lead to an accident. It tha tight is &



on after youVe pulled off Ihe road end stopped
caretuflyp have ihe vehicle towed for service.

United States

