Vinyl, Leather, Top of the instrument panel – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 479: Interior plastic componerits, Glass surfaces, Componerits

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Uss warm w^t$r and a cfothr

• Rub wilh a dean, damp cloth to remove dirt. Vou

may have io do Ihfs rnore than once,

• Things like tarj asphalt and shoe polish will stain if

you don't get them off quickly. Use a dean clolh
and vlnyl/lealher cleaner. See your dealer for
this pnoducl.


Use a soft doth with lukewanri water and a mild soap or
saddle soap and wipe dry with a soft clolh. Then, Jet
the leather dry naturally. Do nol use heat to dry.

• For stubborn stains, use a leather cleaner. See your

dealer for Ihis pjoduct.

• /Veveruse oils^ vanishes, solveni-based or abrasive

cleenera, furniture polish or shoe polish on leather,

• Soiled or stained leather should be deaned



dirt is allowed to work into the finish,

it can harm ihe leather.

Top of the Instrument Panel

Use onty mild soap and water to ctean |he top sufiaces

of [he instrument panel. Sprays containing silicones
or waxes m^y cause annoying reflecUons In the
windshieid and even make it difficult to see through the
windshield under certain conditions.

Interior Plastic


Use only a mitd soap and water solution on a soft cloth

or sponge. Commercial deaners may alteci the

surface finish.

Glass Surfaces

Glass should be cleaned ottan. GM Glass Cleaner or a

liquid household glass cleaner will remove normal
tobacco smoke and dust films on intorior glass. Sea


Vehicle Cuite/Appeiirance M aterials on page 5-10&.


Don't use abrasive cleaners cn glass,

bEKause they rnay cause scratches. Avoid pl^cfn^

decals on the inside rear window, since they

may have to he scraped off later. If abrasive cleaners

are used on the inside of the rear window, an
alactrfc dotogger element may be damaged. Any
temporary license should not be attached across the
dalogger grid.
