Single stage vs. dual stage air bags, Dual stage air bags, Seat position sensors – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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background image

Thp air

bag system Is designed

lo wofii property



^de range


conditions, induding oif-road usage.

Observe safe driving speeds, esgeciaffy on rough
terrain. As always, wear your safety belt. See



wUh Year Ffmr-Whf?ol-Dfiv& Vehide on

page 4-21

for more tips on off-road driving.

Single Stage vs. Dual Stage Air Bags

Depending on Ihe weight of your vehiclG you wifi
have either "'Single Stage Air Bags" or “Dual Stage Air
Bags", Vehicles that have a passenger sensing
system also have dual stage air hags. If the rearview

mirror in your vehicle has a passenger air bag
slalus indtcaier printed orr it, your vehide has the
passenger sensing system and therefore, it has dual
stage air bags. II Ihe rearview mirror In your vehicle does
not have a passeriger air bag status irhdicator printed

on it, then your vBhicle does not have the passenger
sensing System and il has single stage air bags.


Passenger Air B^g SiaSus SndicaJor on page 3'36

or Passenger

Sensing Syslenj pn page

Dual Stage Air Bags

If your vehicle has frontal air begs with dual stage
deployтпег>1, the amount oi restraint will ad|Ust according
lo crash severity For moderate freniai Impacts,. Ihesa
air bags inftaTe at a revel less than full daptoyrnenl. Fei

more severe frontal [rrtpacls, lull deployment oocurs.

If Uie front of your vehicle goes straighi into a wall that

doesn't move or defomn, Ihe threshold level for the

reduced deployment is about id to Ifi mph
[16 to 25 hm/h), and the threshold level tor a full

deployment Is aboul 20 lo 25 mph (32 to 4Û knVli), The
threshold level can vary, however, with spectlic
vehicle design, so thal it can be somewhat above or

below this range.

If your vehicle strikes somettiing thal will move or
deform, such as a parked car, the threshold le vet will be
higher, The air bag Is rot desigrted lo inflate In
roilDVErs, rear Impads, or in many side impacts because

inflation would not help the occupant.

Seat Position Sensors

Vehicle's with dual stage air bags are also equipped
with special sensors which enable The sensing system lo
monitor the position of both the driver and passenger
fronl seals. Tha seat posUion sensor provides

information which is used to deiermine it the air bags
should dsplO'y at a reduced level or at full tfeploymert.
