Off-road recovery, Passing – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Off-Road Recovery

You may find that your right wheels have dropped off
the edge of a road onto the shoulder while you're

19 the lev^l of ihe shoulder Is only slightly below Ihe
pavement, recoveiry should be lairiy easy. Easa off the

accelerator and then, If there is nothing in !he way,

steer so ttial your vehicle straddles the edge of
the pavemenl. You can turn Ihe steering wheel up to

one-quarter turn until the right front tire conlacis
the pavement edge. Then turn your stearing wheel (o go
straight down the roadway.


The driver of a vehicle about to pass another on a
two'lane highway waits for jusl the right moment,
accelerates^ moves around ihe vehicle ahead, then
goes back Inlo the right lane again. A simple manou'ver?

Not necBssanlyl Passing another vehicle on a Jwo-(ane
highway is


poferTtially dangerous move, since the

passing vehicle occupies the same lane as or>coming
iraific for several seconds. A miscalculation, an error in

judgment, or a brief surrender to Irustration or anger

can suddenly put Ihe passing driver face to face wilh the
worst of all IraHic accidents - the head*on collision.

So here are some tips lor passing:

• "Drive ahead." Look down the road, (o the sides

and to crossroads for siluations that might affeci
your passing pattams. If you have any doubt
whatsoever about making a successful pass, wait
lor a better time.

• Walch for Traffic signSf pavement markings ar>d

lines, it you can see a sign up ahead lhat might
indicate a turn or an intersection, delay your pass.
A broken center lina usually indicates It's all

right to pass (providing Ihe road ahead Is clear).
Never cross a solid line on your side of the lane or

a double solid line, even if The road seems empty
of approaching traffic.

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