GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 258

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background image

TRaF (Tratfic)i TRAP will appear on


display ii Ihe

tL>ned station broadcasis traffic announcenfients. To
receive the traffic anriouncenrient Ifom thg tuned atationn
press this button Brackets will be displayed around
TRAP and when a traffic announcement comas on tbe
tuned radio station you uiiill boar it.

if the current tuned station does not broadcast inatfic
announcemBntSr press this button and tha radio
will seek to a station that does. When the radio finds d
station that broadcasts traffic announcements, it wih


tpp. BracheEs wilt be displayed around TRAP and when

a traffic announcerTTonl comes on the Tuned radio
station you will hear it.


no station is found, NO

TRAPPIC will appear on the display.

For DAB (Canada oпly^ if your radio is equipped with
DAB^, when the TRAP button is pressed, DAB does not
seek to a elation that bnoadtasts traffic. DAB only
checks the currenl frequency for traffic support.

This function does nor apply to XM™ Satellite Radio


Traffic Interrupt FeatureL Your rudio can Interrupt the
play of a CD, or or DAB station. Press Ihe

TRAP button. The radio will seek to a slation that
broadcasts iraffic announcements. When the radio finds
a station that broadcasts traffic announcemenis, it
will stop. Brackets around TRAP will appear on Ibe
display, when a traffic announcgment comes on
the station that was found, you will hear ft. When ffie

traffic announcement IS over, the radio will resume play
of Ihe CD, or XM™, or DAB slalion. If no slalion is
found, NO TRAFFIC will appear on the display.
