Climate controls – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 175

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Climate Controls

Fan Knob

The ian knob on the left aidB at the control panel
adjusts the fan speed. To increase airilovv, lorn the knob
clockwise. To decrease airflow, turn it counterclockwise.

To lum Ihe fan off, turn the knob to the off position.


{ОЩ: If the fan is off, out&icie air will still enter the

vehiclen and will be directed based on the position of
the mode knob. The temperature can а1м be adjusted

using the tempo ralune knob.

The middle knob on the conlrol panel lets you select the
lempefature of the air flowing Into the passenger

area. Turn the knob clockwise toward the rad area for

warmer air. Turn the knob counterclockwise toward

the blue area for coolar air.

Mode Knob

The right knob on the control panel allows you to
choose the direction of air delivery.

(Venlji This setting direels the aJr Ihrough the

Instfument panel outlets.

iJJ Level): Air is ciefivered through ihe floor outlets

as wefi as the instrument panel ouUets. The (low car>
be divided belween vent and fJoor ouifets depending

upon where The krtoh ps placed between (ho settings.

+/J (Floor): This setting directs rnost of the air through

the floor ouUets, and the rest of the air is divided
between the windshleid defroster outlets and the side
window defroster ouHets.

Temperature Knob
