Doors and locks, Deots and lacks -0 – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Doors and Locks

Unlccked doors can be dangerous.

* Passangers — especially children — can

easily qp«n the doors and fall out of a

moving vehicle. When a door Is locked^ the
handle won't open It. Vou increase the

chance of being thrown out of the vehrcte


crash if the doors aren't locked. SOr

wear safely beUs properly and lock the
doers whenever you drive.

* Voting children who gel into uniocked

vehicles тзу be unable to get out. A chiJd
tan be ovorconw by extreme heat and can
suffer permanent Injuries or even death
from hsat stroke. Always lock your vehicle
whenever you leave it

* Outsiders can easily enter through an

untocked door wher> you alow down or
stoiij your vehfcle. Locking your doors can
help prevent this from happening.

There are several ways !o lock and unlock your vehicffl.

You can use the keyless eniry sysiem (il e£]urppad).

Vou can also use your key.

To lock the dgor Frtjnn ihe
insfde, slide the lever
rearward. To unlock the
door, slide Ihe lever
