Torque lock (automatic transmission), A caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Leaving Your Vehicle With the
Engine Running (Automatic

Transmission Only)


!1 be dangerous to leave your vehicle with
the engine running Your vehicte could move

suddenly If the shift lever is not fulFy in PARK

{P) with the parking brake firmly set.

If you have four-wheel drive with a manual
transfer case shift lever and your transfer case


your vehicle will be free to roll,

even if


shift lever is

in PARK (P).

So he

sure the transfer case is rn a drive gear — not


And, Ef you leave the vehicle with the engine

running, it could overheat and even taich fire.
You or others could be injured. Don't leave
your vehicte with the engine running unless

you have to.

It you have to leave your vehicle wilh Ihg engine
running, be sure your vehicle is In PARK {PJ and the

pa dung brake is firmly set before you leave it. Aher you
move the shift lever into PARK fP), hold ihe regular
brake pedal down. Then, see rf you can move the shifl
lever away Irorn PARK {Pj wilhout first pulling it

toward' you If you can,


means thal the shifl lever

wasn't fully (Mked into PARK [P).

Torque Lock (Automatic Transmission)

If you are parking on a hill and you don't shifl youf
Iransmission Into PARK {P) properly, the weight of the

vehicle may put too much force on the parking pawl
in the transmission, 'You may find it difficult to puH the
shift lever eul of PARK (P). TTiis Is called "torque

lock," To prevent torque lock, set the parking brake and
then shift into PARK fP) properly before you leave
the driver's seat. To find out how, see ''Shiltlng

Inlo PARK (P}T

When you are ready to drive, move the shift lever out of



you release the parking brake.

If torque lock does occur, you may need lo have anolher
vehicle push yours a little uphill to lake some of the

pressure from the parking pawl In ihe transfnission. so
you can pull the shift tever out of PARK fp).
