GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 252

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Radio Dgla SystEm (RDS): Vour audio syslom

equipped vi\th a Radio Daia System (RDS). RDS

f&alures are available ter use only on FM stations that
bToadcasl RDS infomnationt

• SeeSt


siacions broadcasling the selected type of


• receive aneouncernents concerning local and

national emergencies,

• display ras^sages jram radio stations, and

• seeh


sialrons \Afilh traffic announcemenls.

This system relies upon receiving specilic Infomiaiion
from ihase slalions and will onty worV vvhan the
infonnation is available. In rare cases, a radio station
may bnoadcagt IroonBct Informatiion that will cause
the radio features to work Improperly. If Ibis happenSf
contact the radio station.

VUhiile you ^re luned to an ROS station, the station
name or the call letters will appear on the display instead
of Ihe frequency, RDS stations may also provide the
time oF dayi a program type (PTV) for turreni
programming and the name of Ihe prograni being

X M T v Racfio Satellite Service (USA Onlyl:

i^ a

continental U.S. based satellile radio service lhal

offers 100 coast to coast channels Including rnusic.
newSn Sports, talk and children’s pnogfammlng.
provides digital quality audio and text infermatlon,
includjng song title and artist name. A senrico feo is
required in order to receive the service. For more
Irifemation, contact XM™ at or

call 1-0OO-e52-XMXM (90Э&),

Digital Audio broadcast (Canada Only]: DAB
is a Canadian I end-based radio service lhal offers digital
quality audio and Text iniormafion including song title,
artist name, traffic, weather, emergency announcements
and more. Digital Audio Broadcast tnansimission services
яге currently available in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver.
Ottawa, and Windsor. In Fringe areas signals may be
interrupted by buildings, tress and other obstr\jclions.

Additional services will be added In the future. For conrent

DAB coverage and other ¡nibimaticir consult thg GM
Canada website at, your dealer or

celt 1-000-263^3777.
