Vehicle identification, Vehicle identification number (vin), Service parts identification label – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Vehicle Identification

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

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This is the legal identifier foi your vehicle. It appears on
a pia(e m the front corner of Ihe inslrurnent panel, on

thQ driver’s side. You can see It if you look through the

windshield from outside your vehicle. The VIN also
appears on Ihe Vehicle Certification and Service Parts
labels and the certificates of title and registration.

Engine Ederitif¡cation

The 0lh diiaracter in your VIN Is the engine code. This
code will help you idenlify ycur engme. spedlicatlons
and replacemenl parts.

Service Parts Identification Label

You'll find this label Eocated in the glove


ilt's very

helpful if you ever need to order parts. On Ihls label is:



^ the model dasignalion,

^ paint inforrnatfon and

\ a list of all production options and special


Be sura That Ihis label is not removed fromi the vehicle.
