Starting and operating your vehicle, New vehicle break-in, Ignition positions – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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starting and Operating Your

New Vehicle Break-in


Your vfihicte do&sn4 neitd art «(eborate

■‘break-in.'' But i1 will perform better in the long run

if you follow these guide lines:

• Keep your speed at 55 mph


km/hi or less for

the first 500 mi lea (BOS km).

• Don't drive at any one apeed — fast or

slow — for the first 500 miles (BOS km). Don't
make fuiHhrottle starts.

* Avoid making hard atops


the first



(322 km) or so. During this time your new

brake linings aren't yet broken irt. Hard stops

with new linings can mean premature wear and

earlier replacement. Follow I his breaking-in
guideline every time you get new brake linings.

* Don't tow a trailer during braak-in. See "Towing

a Trailer" in the Inde* for more information.

Ignition Positions

With the key in the Ignition switch, you can turn it to four
different poslUons.

A (LOCK): This posilion locks your ignition and manual

tгan5miss^c^n, it’s a Iheft-deterreot feature. You will

□n!y be able to remove your key when Ihe ignition Is
turned to LOCK.
