Easy exit seat, Display units (emg/met), Display language – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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background image

Easy Exit Seat

Press the personatiiatioa t>ulton until EASY EXIT SEAT

appear^ in the display. Ta select your persgnali^alion



seat posilion e;

EXIT SEiAT 13 displaywi on the DiC- Piessing Ihe

select button wUf scroll through the folfowmg choicest

SEAT POSITION EXIT OFF idefaull): The driver s seat

will nwve to the e>rlt posilion when the exit hurtnn on

the dn\yer’s door panel is pressed.

SEAT POSITION EXIT ON: The drivers seal will move
tu the exil paeitLon when the key is rsmev^d From the


Choose one of the two options and press the
parsonatliaHon button while it is displayed on the DiC to
select il and move on to the next feature. For more
information on the seat position exit see

M emory



psgB 2-67^

Display Units (EMG/MET)

Press the pereonaljzation button until DISPLAY UNITS
appears in the display- To select English or melric,
press the select button white DISPLAY UNITS is
displayed on ihe DIC. Pressing the select button



scroll through the following dioices:



It you choose English, all InformaEton will be displayed
ii^ English Units. For example, distance in miles and luel
economy in miles per gallon.

Choose one of the two options and press the

pefsanalliallon bulton while it ie di&pFayed on tr>o DIG to


and end ooi oi tho porsonailzation options.

Display Language

To seleci your personalization for display language,

press Ihe select bultcm while DISPLAY tJ^NGUAGE Is

displayed on the DIC. Pressing the select button

wi[l scroll through the following languages:

• English

• French

• Spanish

You can also scroll through tbs different languages by
pressing and holding 1he trip reset stem for foLir seconds,
as long as you are In the season odomatar mode.

Choose one o( the Ihrea options and press the
personalizatiorr button while it is displayed on ihe DiC lo
select h-
