How to check power steering fluid, What to use, When to check power steering fluid – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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All Ottier Engines

How to Check Power Steering Fluid

Turn ihe кву off, lei the engine compafmieriiiiocl down,
wipe ihe cap and The (op of the reservoir с1еапн then
unscrew iiie cap and wipe ifte dipstick with a clean rag.

Replace the cap and completely tighten it. Than remove

the cap again and took at iha fluid level on the dipslick.

The level should be at the FULL COLD mark. If
netesiary, add onty enough fluid to bring the level up Ifi
the mark.

What to Use

To determine whal kind of fluid to use» see

РйП D.

R&cummsfKied Ffaicfs and Lubncaois


page 6-1S.

Always use the propar fluid. Failure lo use Ihe proper

fluid can cau&e leaks and daimage hoses and seals.

When to Check Power Steering Fluid

It is not necessary to regulariy check power steering Iluid
uniess you suspect there is a teak in the syslem or
you hear an unusual noise. A fluid loss in this syslem
could Indicate a problem. Have the system inspecled
and repairsd- See

Engine Campaftmeni Overview

on page 5-12

for reservoir location.
