At each fuel fill, Engine oil level check, Windshield washer fluid level check – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 510: At least once a month tire inflation check, Cassette tape player service, Al each fuel rll -11

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Part B: Owner Checks and Services Engine Coolant Level Check

Listed in This part are owner chocks and services

which should be performed at rhe intervals specified to

help ensure the safety, dependability and omission

control perionmgnce of your vahtcfej

Be sure any necessary repairs are compleled at once.
Wher^ever any fluids


lubricants are added



vehicle, rhake sure they are the proper ones, as shown
in Part D.

At the First 100, 1,000 and 6,000
Miles (160, 1 600 and 10 000km)

Check dual wheel nut torque. For proper torque,


CapaciHes and Specificsttans on page 5-120.

At Each Fuel Fill

it in ifrjpotlani for you Of a service station



perform these urtderhoori checks al each fuel Ж

Engine Oil Level Check

Check the engine gil Javel and add the propgr oil il
necessary, See Engine

O i i o n


3 - 1 7 f o r



Check the engine coolanl level and add DEX-COOL®

otxjIanT miKture if necessary. See

Engine Caofant

on page 5-33

for furthnr details.

Windshield Washer Fluid Level Check

Check the wiridshrsid washer fluid level in (he windshietd
washer lank and add the proper fluid il necessary,

Winhshiaid Washer Raicf


page 5-46


further details.

At Least Once a Month

Tire Inflation Check

Make sure trias are inflafed to the correct pressures.
Don't forget to checit your spare tire, See TTres on

page 5-72

for further details-

Cassette Tape Player Service

Clean caaselte tape player. Cleaning shOLild be dong
every 50 hours of tape play. See

Audio Sysiem(s)

on page 3-63

lor further details.
