Finding a station – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Finding a Station

BAND: Press Ihfs boltan Ta switch belwean AM, FM,
F^Í2, Qf XM2 (USA onIVf if jfOUT racfio is equipped

wilh XM™ Satellite Radio Service) or DAB1, DAB2

[Cangdii only,


your radio Is equipped with DAB). The

display will show your aelectign.

TUNE: Turn this knofa lo choose radio stations.

For DAB (Caiiada only, ji your radio is equipped with
DAQ), the TUNE knob allows you to na\/igate the
DAB frequency range. Turning this knot> will tune up


luria down the range* The radio will display the letter
L with a number ne)it to it (1 through 23), Each L number
nelers to a frequency and there can be multiple
stations contaif^ed in one frequency, it may also take a
tow secorrds, once you have lurwd to a Frequency,
for that Frequency to gather all of tho stations.
Depending Oh how many Stations are within a frequency,
with every tune up or down, you may bs tuning to
another station or to another frequency The display will
show your selection^.

^ SEEK ► : Press Ihe right or the lelt arrow lo seek

to the next or lo ihe previous siation and stay ihera.

Tho radio will seek only to stations Ihat are in Ihe

selected band and only to those with a strong signal.

^ SCAN ^ : press and hold one of the arrows for
more than two seconds. Th& radio will produce
one beep. The radio will scan lo a station, play for a tew
seconds, then go on to the next slatpon. SCAN wHt be
displayed. Press one of the arrows again ter stop

The radio


scan only to stations that are in thg

selected band and only to those with a slrong signal.

To scan preset stations, press and hold one of the
arrows for imare than lour seconds. The radio will

produce two beeps. The radio will scan lo the firsl prosel

station, piay for a few seconds, then go on to Ihe next

preset slation. PSCN will be displayed. Press one of tha

arrows again or one of the puehbuflons to stop


The radio will scan only to preset stations that are in The

selected band arrd only to those wito a strong signal.
