Right front passenger position, Center passenger position – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Tile be&t lí^íiy ít> prolecl the fetus is to protect the

mother. When a safety bell is wotn properly, rtfe more
likely [hat Ihg fetus won’t be hurt in a crash, For

piegnant woman, as lor anyone, Ihe key to making
safety belts effective la wearing tham property.

Right Front Passenger Position

To learn how to wear the right front passenger's safety
belt property, soe

Driver Position on pñg& 1^16.

The right Front passenger's safety belt works the same
way as the driver’s safety bell—except for one thing.
If you ewer pull the shoulder portion of the bell out all the

way, you will engage the child restraint Jocking feature

which may turn off the paasengof’s frontal air bag. If thjs
happens uninlentionally, just let the belt go bacli all
the way and start again.

Center Passenger Position



If your vehicle has front and rear bench seats, samenne
can sit in the center positions.

When you sit in the center rear seat posttloit of



cab you have a lap-shoulder belt which is sirrtilar to

the rear outside seal positions. To fearn how to wear Ihis
belt see “"Lap-Shoulder Belt” under

Rear Seal

Passengers on page 1 -26.
