At least twice a year restraint system check, Wiper blade check, Spare tire check – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 511: Weatherstrip lubrication, Manual transmission check, Manual transmission fluid -31, Spare, Tire check

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At Least Twice a Year

Restraint System Check

Make sore the safety beft rernindôr light end all your

belts, tiucktes, latch plates, relractgrs and anchorages
are working properly. LooK for any other loose or
damaged saiely belt system parts. If you see anyihing
Thai might keep a safety bait system from cfomg its

job, have it repaired. Have any lorn or frayed safety belts


Also look for any opened or broken air bag coverings,
and have them repaired or replaced. (The air bag
system does not need regular mairilenance.)

Wiper Blade Check

In sped wiper blaties for wear or cracking. Replace

blade Inserts that appear worn or damaged or that
streak or miss areas of the windshield Also see

deat^ing ihe


y oar VehfCt& on p¿ige 5-105-


Tire Check



Iwice a yeatn alter the monthly infJatkJr check of

Ihe spare lire determines that Ihe spare Is inHated to
[he correct tire inflation pressure, make sure that

the spare lire is slorad securely. Push,


and thon try

to rotate or turn (he tire. II il

moves, use tba


wrerïch/ratchel to tighten the cable. See

Changing a Fiat

Tire an page 5-84.

Engine Air Cleaner Filter Restriction
Indicator Check (If Equipped)

Yonr vehiole has an indicator Jc?caled on the air cleaner
in the engine compartment lhal lets you know when
the air cleaner filter is dirty and needs to bo changed.
Check indicstor at least twice a year or whgn your

engine oil is changecf> whichever occurs first. See

£ngme Air Cleaner/FUter an page 5-23

for more

infoímaüon. Ir>speel your air tíearier filter reslnclion
indicator more often if the vehicle is used In dusty aneas
or under ofl road conditions.

Weatherstrip Lubrication

Silicone grease on weathereinps wiJF make them last
longer, seal betler, ar>d nat stick or squeak Apply

siliicone grease with a clean c|o(h. During very cold,
damp weather more frequent application may he
required. See Pari D: flacomrTierttied Fiuiús anú

Lubfircante on page iS.

Manual Transmission Check

Check Ihe (rartsmission huid level; add if needed^ Sea

t^anuai Transmtssion Fiuig on page 5-31.


for leaks, A fluid leak is the only reason for huid loss.
Have Ihe system Inspected and repaired if needed.

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