Single stage aîr bags, What makes an air bag inflate, How does an afr bag restrain – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Single Stage Aîr Bags

If your vehicle has franlal air bags with single slaga
ctepfoymenl and your vehicle goes siraint into a well that
doesn't move or defornn^ the threshold I a vet is about
13 to 16 mph {^0


25 l(m/h). The threshold level

can vary, however, wi!h speeiric vehicle design, so that
it can be sorriewhal above or below this range.

II yoor Vehicle strikes something that will niove or

deform, Such as a parked car, the IhreshoEd level will be
higher. The air hag is not designed lo ínflale In
rollover^, rear impacls, or m many aide impacts because
inflation would Л01 heip Ihe occupant.

What Makes an Air Bag Inflate?

In an jíTipacl of sufficient severity, the air bag sensing
sysiem detects that the vahicie is in a crash. The
sensing syslem triggers a reiease of gas from the
Inílatór, which inflates the air bag. The infiator. air bag,
and reiated hardware are aii part of the air bag
moduifls Inside Ihe steering wheel and in the instrument

рапеЗ in front of Ihe right front passenger,

How Does an Afr Bag Restrain?

In moderate to severe frontal or nearrirontal collisions,
even belted occupants can contact the aieenng wheal or
the instrurneni panel. Air bags supplement Ihg
pioleclion provided by safety belts. Air bags distribute

the force of |he impact more evenly ovgr the occupant’s

upper body, stopping the occupanl more gradually.
But air bags would not help you Jn many types of

collisions, including rollovers, rear impacts and many
side impacts, primarily because an occupant's rmoboh is
not toward those air bags. Air bags should never be
regarded as anything more than a supplement to safety
belts, and then only In moderate to severe froolal or
near-frorital collisions,
