Trailer recommendations, Pickup conversion to chassis cab – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Your dealer can help yog make a good ^^ehicle’Camper
matcli. He'll also help you determire your GWR.

Afler youVe loaded your vehide and campef, drive to a
weigh slation and weigh the liont and near whaels
separately. This will tell you the loads on your ajiles.
The loads on ihe front and rear axles shouldn't be mone

than either of the GAWFis. The total d the axle loads
should not be more than the GVWF.

Open your drivers door and look at Ihe Cerfificalion.Tire

label to find out your GAWP and GVWR.

II you've gone over your weight ratings, move or take
oul some thinga until all the weight falls below the
ratings. Ot course, you should always lie down any
loose items when you load your vehicle or camper.

When you inslflll and load your slide-in tamper, check
the manuiaclurefs instruttiona.

If you want more indormalion on curb weights, caryo

weights, Cargo Weight Bating and the correct center of
gravity zone lor your vehiclef your dealer can help
you. Just asK for a copy ol "Consumer Inlormalion,
Truck-Camper Loadirtg."

Trailer Recommendations

You musf subtract your hitch loads from Ihe CWR for
your vehicle. Weigh your vehicle with the trailer
.iltacbedf so lhal you wonT go over the GYWR or


you are using a weight-disiribuling hitch,

weigh ihe vehicle withoul the spring bars In place.

Youll gat the hesl performance If you spread out (he
weight of your load Ihe right way^ and


you choose tho

correct hilch and trailer brakes.

For more information, see





page 4-66.

Pickup Conversion to Chassis Cab

Genera! Motors Is aware that some vebtcle owners may
consider having the pickup box iiemoved and a
commercial or recreationaL body Installed, before you do




tiisl contact GM Customer AsSfSiance Tor intormatlon

on such conversions specific to this vehicle. Owners

should ba aware that, as manufactured, there are
differences between a chassis cab and a pickup with
the box removed which may afiecl vehicle safely.
The cDitiponenls necessary to adapt a pickup to permit

its sate use with a specialized body should be
installed by a body buitder in accordance with the
information available from GM Guslomer Assistance.

Customer Assisisnce Offices ort page

