Remote keyless entry system operation, Remote alarm – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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At times yoL may notice a decrease in range. ThfE is
normal for any remote keyless entry system. If the

transmitter does not work or if you iiava to stand closer

to your vehicle kjrtha trar^smltter to rtrOfk, try this:

• Chock Iha distance. You may be


tar from your

vehicle. You may need to stand closer dunng

rainy or snowy wealher.

“ Check the location. Olher vehicles or objeols may

be blockir>g the signai. Take a few steps to the
left or right, hold (ha transmitter higher, агк1
try again.

• Check to daterminE if battery replacement or

resynchronizalion i& necessary. See “BaUery
peplacement" and “ResynchFonization” under

Remote Keyless Enlfy System Operatfon on

paae 2-5.

• If you are still having Irouble^ see your dealer or a

qualified technician lor service.

Remote Keyless Entry System


It your vehicle has this feature^ you can lock and unlock
your cloor-s from about 3 iee( {1 rn) up to 3Q feet
{9 m) away using the remote keyless entry iran&mitler
supplied with your vehicle.

UhfLOCK: Pressiftg this button once wlit unlock lhe

driver's door The parking lamps will flash and the

Inierior lights will come on. The ground illuminalion
lamps will come on. Pressing UNLOCK again within
three seconds will cause the remaining doors lo unlock

The parking lamps will Rash and tha interior lights will

come on.

LOCK: Pressing this bulton once will lock ail of Ihe
doors. Wail one second, then press LOCK again and the
horn Vtfill chinp.

Operating ihe keyless entry iransmitter may interact with
the Iheft'delerrent system See

Content Thefl-Deiement

on page 2-13.

Remote Alarm

When the panic bulton with the horn symbol on the

keyless eniry transmitter is pressed, the hom will sound
and (he headlamps and taillamps will Hash tor up to
30 seconds. This can be turned off by pressing the panic
button again, waiting for 30 seconds, or elardng the
