Driving across an гпсмпе – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Q: Am I likely to stall when going downhill?

A: it's much rnore lilfflly lo happen going uphill. But ¡1 iL

happens going downtliH, here's what to do.

* Slop your vehicle by applying Ihe regular brakes.

Apply Ihe parking brake.

* Shift Ю PARK (P) (or lo neutral wi|h the manuai

transmission) and, while still braking^ festari the


* Shift back to a low release Ihe parking brake,

and drive siraighl down^

* IГ the engine won't start, get out and gel help.

Driving Across an ГпсМпе

Sooner or later, an





probably go across

the inclinie of a hill, if this happens, you have to
decide whether to try lo drive across the incline. Here
are some ihings to consider

* A hill that can be driven straight up or down may be

too steep to drive across. When you go straighl up
or down a hilJ, the length of the wheel base ^the
distance from the front wheels to Ihe rear wheels)
reduces (he likelihood the vehicia will tumble

end over end. Bui when you drive across an incline.

the much more narrow track width (the distance
between the iaft and right wheels) may not prevent
the vghrcle from tilting and rolling over. Also,
driving across an incline puts тоте weight on the
downNII wheels. This could cause a downhill
slide or a rollover.

• Surface conditions can bo a problem when you

drive across a hill. Loose gravel, muddy spots,
or even wef grass can cause your Tima to slip
sideways, downhill. If the vehicle slips sideways, it
can hit something that iwHI trip it [a rock, a rut,
etc.) and roll over,

• Hidden obslactea can make the steepness oF the

Incline even worse. II you drive across a rock
with the uphU! wheels, or if the downhill wheels drop

into a rut or depression, your vehicle can till even

For reasons like These, you negd |q decide caretudy
whether to try to drive across an incline Just because
the trail goes across the incline doesn't mean you
have lo drive il, The last vehicle to try ft might have
rolled over.
