Parking brake, Shifting out of neutral, Socorids – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Shifting Out of NEUTRAL

To shift out of NEUTRAL





Sat tha parking brake ^nd ^pp1y lha regular bfake




Shift the transinissLon to NEUTRAL (N) and turn the

ignition to RUN with the er^gine off.

Press the button for ihe desired transfer case shift
posfHon 4HI, or 4L0),

Aftier ihe transfer case has shifted out o! NEUTRAL

the red light will go out.

&. You may siart the engine and shift the transmission

to the desired position.

Excessively shifting the transfer case Info or out of the
ctliferent modes may cause the transfer case to
enter the shift protection mode. This will protect the
iransier case From possible damage and will only allow
the transfar caso to respond to on a shift per 10
seconds. The transfer case may stay In this mode for
up to three minutes.

Parking Brake

To sel the partting brake, hofd the regular brake pedai
down with your right foot. Push down the parking
brake pedal with your Eeft Foot.

A chims will activate and the warning light wrll Flash
when the parking brake is applied and Ihe vehicle
is moving at teasi 3 mph (5 krni/h} For al leasi three


To release the parking brake, hold Ihe regular brake
pedal down. Pull Ihe boltom edge of the Fever. Focated
above the parking brake podal, with the parking
brnke symbol, to reJease the parking brake.
