Weight of the trailer – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Tow/hauil is designed to be most effectivg when the

vehicle and trailer combined weight is at leasi 7S% of
the vehicle's Gross Combined Weigh! Rating (GCWR).

W eigi)! of the

rafter laler in the section^ Tow^aul

is mos( useful under (he toUowing driving conditions;

• When pulling a heavy iraHer or a large or heavv !oad

through rolling tenafn^

• When pulling a heavy trailer or a largs or heavy

load In stop and go traffic.

• When pulling a heavy trailer or a large or heavy

load in busy parldng lots whore I m proved low
speed conlrOl of the vehicle is desired.

Operating the vehicle in tow/haul when lightly loaded or
with rw trailer at all will not cause damage. HowevsTf
there is no beneRt lo Ihe ssJectlon of low/haul when (he
vehicle is unloaded. Such a solectran when unloaded
may result In unpleasant engine and transmission driving
characleristkcs and reduced luel economy. Tow/haul
is recornrnended only when pulling a heavy trailer or a
large or heavy load.

Weight of the Trailer

How heavy can a trailer safely be?

It depends on how you plan to use your ng. For

example^ speed, altitude, road grades, outside
temperature and how much your vehida Is used to pull
a trailer are afl important, And, it can also deper^d
on any Special equipment that you have on your vehjcle.

Use one of the following chans lo deiermine how
much your vehicte tan weigh, based upon your vehicle
model and options,

Maximum trailer weight is catculatad assuming Ihe

driver and one passenger are in the tow vehicle and it

has all the required trallering equipment. The weight
of additionaJ optiorral equipmenl, passengers and cargo
in the tow vehicle must be subtracted from the
maxirmim trailer weight-

Above the 5,OOD lbs. (2 2БВ Kg) trailer rating, the
hand ling/tra lie ring suspension is required on
С-15СЮ models and the handllng/traileTing or ofl-road
suspension is required on K-150Q models,
