Remote keyless entry system – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 91

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Your vehide has cne
dcubie-sided key for Ihe

ignition and all door
locks as -rtfeK as the spars
lira hoist lock {it


If you e\/er loss your keys, your dealer will ba able to

assist you with obtaining Teplacements.

Hatice: Your vehicle has a number of features that

can help prevent theftr You can heve a lot of trouble
getting into your vehicle cf yog ever lock your keys
inside. Yog may even have to damage your vehicle to
get in. be sure you have spare keys.


you ever dd gel locked out


your vehicle, call the

GM Roadside Assistance Center. See


As5!Siance Progriim an page 7^6.

II your vehide is

equipped with iJie On Star'"" system with an acltve
subscription and you lock your keys inside the vehJcFa,
OnStar^ may he abJe to send a command to unlock
your vehicle.


O n S f a f ^ System


page 2-6t

for more information,

Remote Keyless Entry System

If equipped, the remote keyiess entry system operates

on a radio frequency subject to Federal Coirnnunications
Commission (FCC) Rules and with Industry Canada.

This device compIfeE with Part 15 otihe FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions;

1, This device may not cause inlerference, and

Й, This device must accept any Interference received,

iriduding interference that may cause ondesired
operation of the device.

This device complies wilh RSS-210 of Industry Canada.

Operation is subject to the following Lwo conditions.

1. Thiis device may not causa interference, and


. This device imusl accepi any interference received,

including interference tliat may cause undesirerf
operation of Ihe device.

Chang&s or modifications to this system by other than
an aulhorijed service facility could void authori^filion lo

use this equipment.
