Dvd distortion, Understanding radio reception am, Fm stereo – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 278: Xm^“ satellite radio service, Dab radio, Care of your cassette tape player, Understanding radio reception

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DVD Distortion


q u

may experience audio distortian In Uie

IR headphones when operating ceflutar phones,

scanners, СБ radfos, Globef Position Svstaтлs (GPS)*,

iwo-way radios^ mobile fax, or walkie talkies

It may be necessary to turn off the DVD player when
□pa rating one of These devtces In or near the vehicte,

* Excludes the OnStar^ Systemi

Understanding Radio Reception


The range for most AM stations Is greater than for FM.
especially at night. The longer range, however, can
cause stations to interfere with each other. AM can pick

up noise from things like storms end power lines. Try
reducing the tredte to reduce this noise if you ever get rt.

FM Stereo

FW stereo wilt give you the best sound, but FM signals
witl reach only about 10 to 40 m4es (16 to 65 km).
Tall bulldirigs or hills can interfere with FM signals,

causing the sound to come and go.

XM^“ Satellite Radio Service

Satetllte Radio gives you digital radio r&ception

from coast to coast. Just as with FM, tall buildings
or hills can interfere with SateJiita radio signals, causing
tha sound to come and go. Voui radio may display

"NO SIGNAL" la indicate mterferonce.

DAB Radio

DAB gives you digital radio reception, Just as with FM,
tall buildings or hills can interfere with radio signals,
causing the sound to come and go. Vour radio
may display ''NO SIGNAL" to indicate inlerference.

Care of Your Cassette Tape Player

A tape player that is noi cleaned regularly can cause
reduced sound quality, ruined cassettes or a damaged

mechanism. Cassette tapes should be stored in Iheir
cases away (ram oorttaminants, direct sunlighi and
extreme heat. H Ihey aren't, they may not operate
property or may cause failure of the tape player.

Your tape player should be cleaned regularty aher every
50 hours of use. Your radio may display CLEAN to
indicate lhal you have used your tape player tar

50 hours without resetting the taps clean llmer. If this
massage appears on the display, your cassetta
tape player needs to be cteaned, it will still play tapes,
but you ahould clean it as soor^ as possible to

prevent damage to your tapes and player.

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