Playing a speciftc loaded cotfipact disc – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Playing a Speciftc Loaded

CoTfipact Disc



CD loaded,







display, To play a specific CD, firsl press the CD AUX
bufton to start playing a CD- Then press



pushbutlon that corresponds to the CD you wani tg
play. A small bar will appear under the CD number that
Is playing, and the track number will appear.

If an error appears on the radio display, see "'Compact
Disc Messages'' later |л Ibis section.

LOAD CD (Eject^: Pressing the CD eject side of
Ibis button will ajsct a single disc or mullipfe discs.

To eject ihe disc that ts currenlly pfayiriig, press

and release this button. To eject multiple discs, press
and hold this button for Iwo seconds. You will hear
a beep arrd the light will Hash to lei you know when a
disc Is being ejected.

REMOVE CD will be displayed. You can now remove
the disc. ЕГ the disc is rwt removed, after 25 seconds, the
disc will be automatically pulled back into ihe receiver,
If you iry to push the disc back Into the roceiver,

before the


second time period is compleiej ihe

receiver will sense an error and will Iry to eject thg disc

several times before stopping.

Do not repeatedly press the CD eject side of the
LOAD CD ejeci botlon to eject a disc aher you hava

tried lo push il in manually. The receivers 25-second
e^cl limer will reset at each press of eject, which
will causa ths receiver to not eject tha disc onlil the
25-sBtoncl time period has elapsed.

Once the player stops and the disc is ejected, remove
the disc. After removing the disc, press the PWR
knob off and ihen on again. This will clear the
disc-senstng feature and enable discs to b? fpadsd inlo
the player again.

REV (Reverse): Press and hold ihis button to

reverse quickly wHhin a irack. You will hear sound at a
reduced volume. Release il to play the passage.

The display will show elapsed time.



tForwardJt Press and hold this button to

advance quickly within a track. You will hear sound el


reduced volLine. Release il to play 1he passage. The

display will show elapsed Ume,

RPT (Repeat): With repeat, you can repeat one track

or an entire disc. To use repeat, do the following:

* To repeat the track you are listening to, press and

release the RPT button. RPT will appear or the
display. Press RPT again to turn il off.

• To repeat ihe disc you are lisienlng lo, press and

hold Ihe RPT button for two seconds. RPT wffl
appear on the display. Press RPT again lo lum if off
