When to check and change, How to check – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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When to Check and Change

A good time lo check aulojnalic


level is when the engine oil is changed.

Change both the fluid and filler evety 2S,CW0 iriites
('ll 500 km) it Ihe vehicle is mainly driven under one or
more of these conditions:

• In heavy city traffic inhere the outside temperature

regularly reaches 90“F oa^'C) or higher,

• In hilly or mountainous terrain.

• When ctciing frequent traiter towing.

• Uses such as found Ih la?il, police or delivery


If you do not use your vehicle under any of these

conditions, change the fluid and filler every 50.000 miles

(S3 000 km}.

See Part A: Scfusduled Mainienanc


Servipas an

page 6-4.

Automatic Transmission Fluid

(Ailison Transmission)

Ввсаи&е thig operation can be a little ditticult, you may

choose to have this dong at ihe dealership service


If you do il yourself, be sure to foJtaw all the Instructions
here, or you could get a false reading on the dipstick.


Too much or too little ffoid can damage

your transmission. Too much can mean Ihal some
of the fluid could ссше out and tah on hot engine
part or exhaust system parts, starting a fire.
Too little fluid could cause the transmission to

overheat. Be sure to get an sccurate reading if you
check your transmission fluid.

Wait af feast 30 rriiriOtes before checking the

transmission IFuid level if you have been driving:

• When outside temperatures gne above SO'^F (32''C).

• At high speed for quite a v«hile.

• In heavy fratflc - especially in hoi weather,

While pulling a trailer.

How to Check
