Dvd player buttons, Playing a disc – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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DVD Player Buttons

(PowerJ: Pri


ss this bution to turn the RSE system

On Or oH.

^ (E]ect}i Press Unis button to efeot a DVD or a CD.

SflCE (Source): Press this t?ulton to toggle between
the DVD ptayer and an auxiliary sourte.

■ (Stop); Press Ihis hulton to slop Ihe piay of thg
DVD player. Press Ihis button twite to ralurn to
the beginning of Iha DVD-

^/ll (Play^Pause): Press this button to turn the DVD
player on, to start play of a DVD or CO and to
toggle hotwegn play and pause of a DVD or CD.

(№enu): Press this button lo access the DVD menu
(this button only operates with a DVDl.

(Display Menu): Press this button to rr^cklity the video

&creer> display characteristics,

(Menu Mavigation); Use the arrow keys to navigate
through a menu.

(Enter): Press Ihia hulton to select Items within a manu.

Playing a Disc

Tü play a disc, gently insert Ihe disc with the label sicfe

up into the iogding slot. Thg DVD player will continue
loading the disc and the player will Botomalically slart II

thg vehicle ignition is in RUN. ACCESSORY, or RAP,

a disc is already in the player, press ihe play.^pause

button on the face ol the DVD ptayer or on the remote

Soma DVDs will not allow you to fast forward or sl(ip
the copyright or previews. Seme DVDs will begin playing
after ihe previews have finished. If the DVD does not
begin to play the malri title, reler to the on-screen
instructions, as the DVD may ho displaying fts main
liElg menu.
