GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 427

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2ч If you have a vehicle wilh a diesel engine with two

baltflrias {or more), you should Know beiore you
begin that, especlaiiy in cold weather, you may not
be able (o get enough power from a single
battery in another vahicta to start your diesel engine.

If your vehicle has more than one battery, use

the battery That’s closer to the starter - this
will reduce electrical resistance.

3. Gel the vehicles ctosa enough 50 Ihe jLiTTiper cables

can reach, birt be sure ihe vehicles агепЧ touching
each otiier. If Ihey are, it coufd cause a ground
connaction you don't want. You wouidn't be able to
start your vehicle, and the bad grounding could

damage lha electrical systems.

To avoid the possibility of the vehicles rollinig, set

the paridng bral
the jumip start procedure. Put an aulomatic

transmission in PAPK {P) or a manual transmission
jn NEUTRAL before setting the parking brake. If
you have a four'Wheel-drive vehicle, be sure

the transfer case is in a drive gear nol in NEUTRAL.


If you leave your radio an. It cuuld be badly

damaged - The repairs wouldn't be covered by
your warranty.

4. Turn cfl The ignition on both vehicles. Unplug

unnecessary accessories plugged Into the cigarette

lighter or accessory power outlets. Turn oft the
radio and all lamps that aren't needed. This
will avoid sparks and heJp save both hatieries. And

il could save your radio!

5. Open the hoods ar>d locale the positive [+J and

negative (-) leiminal locations of the olher vehicle.

Your vehicle has a remote positive (i-) jump starting
lemiinal and 5 remóle negative {-) jump starting

terminal. You should always use these nennoie

lemilnats lnsiea.d of the terminals on the hatlery.

The remóle pesilrve [+) terminal is located behind a

red plastic cover near the engine accessory drive
bracket. To uncover the remote positive {-i-}
terminal, open the red plastic cover.

The remote negative (.-) terminal is located on the
erigine drive bracket on all V8 and diesel
engines, and on the thermostat housing on the
e.lLengine. On Ve engines il is marked “GND.*"



engines the remóle negativo {-) larmina! is

located on a lab attached to the engine accessory
drive bracket where It is marked "GND-"


Engine CofTjpSftfvem OvBfVi&w

Ort patje 5-ÍÍ

for more information on location,
