Safety belts, Safety belts: they are for everyone – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Safety Belts

Safety Belts: They Are for Everyone

This part of (h& manuat tells you how to use safety

betts properly. It also tells you some things you should
not do with safely belts.

Don't lei anyone ride where he or she can't
wear a setety belt property. If you are in a
crash and you're not wearing a safety belt,
your Injuries can be much worse. You can hit

things inside the vehicle or be ejected trom It.

You can be senously Injured or killed, in the
same crash^ you might not be^ it you are
buckled up. Always fasten your safety belt,
and check that your passengers' belts are
fastened properly too.

It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo
area, Inside or ouiEtde of a vehicle. In a
collision^ people riding lrr these areas are more
likely lo be seriously Injured or killed. Do not
allow people to ride In any area of your vshicla
that is not equipped with seats and safety
belts^ Be sure evepyone in your vehicle is in a
seat and using s safety beft properly.

Your vehicle has a light

that comes on as a

reiminper to buckle up. See

Safety Beft Reminfier

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