Weight of the trailer tongue, Total weight on your vehicle's tires – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Weight of the Trailer Tongue

The longue luad (A) oi any trailer is ah important h^/eighl
to measure because it affects the total or gross weight


your vehjcte. The Gross Vehfcie Weight (GWV}

includes ihe curb weight d the vehicle, any cargo you
may canry in il, and the people who wIN be riding rn
the vehicle And if you will tow a trailer, you must add
lha longue load to the GVW because yoor vehicle will he
carryrng that weight, loo. Sea

Loading Your Vehicle

on page

4-5^ for more information about your vehicle's

manimuin load capacity,

if you're using a weight-cariying or a weight-dislribuling
hjich, the trailer tongue weight (A) should be lO
pencerrt to 15 percent of the total loaded trailer

werght {B}. Do not exceed the maximum aflowabJe

longue weight for your vehicie.

After you've loaded your trailer^ weigh the trailer and then

the tongue, separately, to see if the weights are proper. If

ihey aren't, you may be able to get them right simply by
moving some items around, iin the trailer.

Total Weight on Your Vehicle's Tires

Be sure your vehicle's tires are iruflated to the upper limiit
for cold tires. Vou'li find these numbers on the
CertEficatlOh label at the rear edge of ihe driver's door or

Loadiftg Your Vehicie an pege 4-56.

Then be

sure you don't go over Ihe GVW limit for your vehicle,
including Ihe weigh! of the trailer tongue, LI you use
a weight distribuling hitch, make sure you don't go over
the rear axle limit before you apply the weight
distribution spring bars.
