Brake pedal travel, Brake adjustment, Replacing brake system parts – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Brake Pedal Travel

See your deslar the brake pedal does not return lo
normal height, or if [here (S a rapid incraase in
pedaf (ravel. This could he


srgn ol brake trouble.

Brake Adjustment

Every lime you make


brake stop, your disc brakes

adjust tor wear.

Replacing Brake System Parts

The braking syslem on a vehicls is complex. Its many

pans have to he of lop quality and work well togelher if
the vehicle Is to have really good braking. Your

vehicle was designed and tested with top-quality Gtvl

brake parts. When you replace parts of your braking

system for example, when your brake linings
wear down and you need new ones put in - be sure
you gef new approved GM replacemoni parts. It
you don'l, your brakes may no longer work property* For
example, if somHonH puls in brake linings that are
wrong tor your vehicle, the balance between your tront

and rear brakes can change — for the worse. The
braking pertomiance you’ve come to expact can change
in many other ways if someone puts in the wrong
repiacemenl brake parts.


Vour new vehicte comes with a maintenance free
ACDelco^ battery. When ifs lime for a new battery, get
one that has ihe replacement number shown on ihe
original batterylabet We recommend an ACDelco'^
battery. See

Ef^gine ConjpBdment Ov^fvi&w on

5-ii for battery location.

W affling:

Baitcry posts, ternninaJs and related

accessories contain lead and lead compouncis,
chemicals known to the State of Callfoinia to cause
cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after

Vehicle Storage

If yau'rg not going to drive your vehicle for days or
more, remove the black, negative {-) cable Irom
tha baliery. This wlH help keep yeur baltefy from
running down.