Truck-camper loading information – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Ql What iç total vehicle reserve capacity?

A: This is the difference belw&en your GVWR and the



your true* with


iuei and passengers,

trs the amount of weight you can add to your
vehicle before reaching your GVWR, Keep in niind
that reserve capacity numbers are ^п(tended as

a guiefe when seief;tlng the amount ot equipment or
cargo your truck can cany. If you are unsuro ol
your injck's froni^ rear or total weight, go to a weigh
slalion and weigh your vehicle. Vour dealer can

also heip you with this.

See your dealer tor additional advice and intomalion
about using a snow plow on your vehicle. Also,

ioBifing Youf Vehiefe


pag^ 4-56.

Truck-Camper Loading Information

This label is Inside your glove bon. (t will tell you it

your vehicle can carry a slide-in camper, how much of a
load your vehicle can carry, and how to coireedy
spread out yijur load- AisOf It will help you malch the
light slide-in camper to your vehicle.

When you carry a slide-in camper, the total cargo load
of your vehicle is the weight of the camper^ plus

% everything else added lo the camper after rl left the


■ everything In the camper and


ail the people inside.

The Cargo Weight Rating (CWfl) Is the maximum
weight of the load your vehicle can carry. Il doesn’t

include the weight of the people inside. But, you

can hgure about 150 ibs, -(6S kg) for each seat.

The total cargo load musf not be more lhan your

vehicle's CWR.
