Atuminum or chrome-ptated wheels, Tires, Sheet metal damage – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 482: Finish damage

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Grime (тйт the windshielil will slick


Ihe wiper blades

and affecl iheir parfomiance. Clean the blade by
wiping vigorously wi(h a cloth soaked in full-slnength
windshield washgr solvent. Then rinse the blade
with water.


the wiper

blades and clean




replace blades lhat look worn*

Atuminum or Chrome-Ptated Wheels

Your vehicle may be equipped wilh either alominum or
chrome-plated wheels.

Keep your wheels clean using a soH clean clolb with
mild soap and water. Rinse with cJean water. After
rinsing thoroughly, dry with a soh clean towel. A wa^
may ihen be applied.

The surface of these wheels is similar lo (he pointed
surface of your vehicle. Don’l use strong soaps,
chemicals, abrasive polishes, abrasive cleaners,

cleaners with acid, or abrasive cleaning brusb&b on
them because you could tJampgo the surface. Do not
use chrome polish on aluminum wheels.

Use chrome polish cr>ly on chron>e-plated wheels, but
avoid any painted surface of the wheel, and huff off
immediately after application.

Don't take your vehicle ihrough an aulomafic car wash

Thai has silicone carbide tire cleaning brushes. These

brushes can also daTTiage Ihe surface of these wheels.


To claan your tires, use a stiff brush wifti lire cleaner.


When applying a lire dressing, always


care to wipe off any oversproy or splash from all
painted! surfaces


the body or wheels ot the

vehicle. Petroleum-based products may damage the
paint finish and Ures,

Sheet Metal Damage

!f your vehicle is damaged and r&quires sheet metal
repair or replacamtìnl, make sure the body



applies anti-corrosion material to parts repaired or


restora corrosion proleclion.

Onginal manufacturer replacomenl parts will provide thg

corrosion pnotectron while maintaining Ihe warranty.

Finish Damage

Any Slone chips,


or deep scratches

in Ihe

finish shouid be repaired right away, Bara molai
WH1 corrode quickly and may develop into major repair

Minor chips and scratches can be repaired with touch-up
materials available from your dealer or olher service
outiets. Larger areas of finisfi damage can be corrected
In your dealer's body and paint shop.
