Matching tran$mitter(s) to your vehicle – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Matching Tran$mitter(s) to Your


Each remote ksyless entry Irartsmitler cotJed to

prevent another Eransmitler Iram unlocking your vehicle,

ir a (ransmitler is lost or stolen^ a rEplacoment can

be purchased through your dealer. Remember



any remaining Irarrsrrtitrers with you when you go to
your dealer. When Itie dealer matches the replacement
transinilter to your vehicle, any remaining transmitters
must also be matched. Once your deafer has coded the

new transmitter, the Josi iransmittet will not unlock
your vehicle. Each vehicle cen have a maximum of four
transmitters matched to it.

Under nonmal use, the battery in your remote keyless
entry transmitter should last about two years.

You can tell the battery la weak rf the transmitter won't
work at The normal range in any location, If you have

to get close to your vehicle before the transmitter works,

it's probably time to change the battery.

^cifrce: When replacing the battery, use care not to

touch any of the circuitryu Static from your body
transferred to these surfaces may damage the

transmute r.

Battery Repiacement
